A Conversation with Bedirhan Dehmen

April 15, 2012

Performing arts, dance history and cultural theory expert Bedirhan Dehmen gave a talk about the famous dance film Amelia by the Canadian dance company La La La Human Steps, the inspiration behind the eponymous exhibition. After the screening of Amelia at 16.00, Bedirhan Dehmen discussed modern dance and choreography, interpreting the La La La Human Steps company’s work together with the participants. Bedirhan Dehmen received his BA and MA degrees from Boğaziçi University Department of Sociology and his PhD in Theater Criticism and Dramaturgy from Istanbul University. Dehmen teaches dance history/theory, performing arts, and cultural theory at Koç and Yeditepe Universities. Starting his dance career at the Boğaziçi University’s Folklore Dance Club (BÜFK), Dehmen worked at BÜFK and Boğaziçi Performance Arts Company for years, and recently took part as choreographer and dancer in local and international independent projects such as Sunny Monday/Güneşli Pazartesi, Human Writes/İnsan Yazıyor, Tevhid/Birlik/Oneness, and Off Course.

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