Germany, Luxembourg, France, Israel | 35mm, Color, 113’ | German, English, Hebrew, LatinDirector: Margarethe von Trotta
Cast:Barbara Sukowa, Janet Mc Teer, Axel Milberg

Hannah Arendt, a Jew who managed to escape a concentration camp in France, accepts New Yorker magazine’s offer to go to Israel and follow the Eichmann case, despite warnings. Adolf Eicmann was a Nazi responsible for Jews to be sent to concentration camps and then to death and would be on trial in Israel. Arendt would face violent reactions, insults and threats for her articles that would make a ground for her to raise the concept “Banality of Evil” which she wrote after the trial. A women who thinks and writes on “Banality of Evil”, and “Personal is Political”, one of the basic concepts of feminist politics, with intellectual courage: Hannah Arendt.

Past Programs
13th International Filmmor Women's Film Festival on Wheels
March 14–22, 2015